Technology Committee

Meets Quarterly: Third Thursday of every month


  1. Technology Coordinator, Chair: Ken Perreault

  2. Superintendent: Tim Lutz

  3. Business Manager: Willie Larson

  4. Principal: Stephanie Amberg

  5. Digital Marketing Coordinator: Rebecca Swanson

  6. DAC/Instructional Coach

  7. Technology Staff

  8. SLT Representatives

    1. Cole Kindem – RLEC

    2. LeeAnn Bakke - RLEC

    3. Andy Sattler - PES

    4. Ray Holm – RLHS

    5. Tony Bellino - RLMS

  9. Non-licensed Representative from each complex

    1. Lindsay Johns – RLEC (SLT Member)

  10. Board Members

    1. Tina Stately

    2. Tom Barrett

Purpose & Outcome:
Responsible for the exploration and recommendation of technology to support teaching and learning.

Agenda & Minutes:
To be added.